The application which is being filed before the Court of Criminal Appeal (Superior Jurisdiction) as referred to in Cap. 9 and SL 80 of 2021 and any supporting documents may be filed online through this eForm.
Payment online of court fees are to be made before submitting this eForm.
Online filed applications shall, for all intents and purposes of law, be deemed as if they have been filed directly in the Registry of the same Court. But when an application is filed online outside registry opening hours as established by the Code of Organisation and Civil Procedure, such application shall be deemed to have been filed on the first following day of the opening of the said Registry.
Important Note
All applications have to be in the Maltese Language and need to be signed by the Lawyer. A scanned copy of the signed application will have to be attached with this eForm.
Right of Access
This eForm may be used only by Lawyers or Prosecutors within the Attorney General's office whose name is registered on the LECAM system. Those Lawyers or Prosecutors within the Attorney General's office who are not so registered are to apply at the Office of the Registrar, Criminal Courts and Tribunals by producing their Identity Card and email address.